What is Tegakari?
Introducing information for R & D such as release information of the latest specialized overseas products, computer case studies suitable for specific applications for R & D sites, technical verification articles, feature articles along the theme, etc. We are here.
It also plays a role as new information about TEGARA Corporation, so please feel free to visit us asking "Is there any new information?"
* The service name of Tegakari is named from the hope that the information and services posted on the WEB will be some kind of "clue" for R & D developers to proceed with their research.

Features of Tegakari
Original content posted
As a medium operated in-house, verification articles on overseas products and computers by our engineering department,
We deliver original content such as introductory articles on trending technologies and topics.
Introducing information for each field
Information is organized by category and tag for each academic and technical field, so it is easy to access the information you care about.
All overseas product introductions and PC case studies can be purchased
We have collected information on the handling of overseas product procurement / consulting service Unipos and research / industrial PC production service Tegsys, and you can actually purchase the products introduced through Tegara.
(Some of the past information may have ended now. Please note that in that case.)
Disseminate the "trick" of research and development
WEB mediaTegakari